2 June 2019

32nd ECNP Congress 2019

25 May 2019

14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

15 May 2019

Mental Health Conference 2019 — Annual Conference on Mental Health


 Schema Therapy (ST) developed by Jeffrey Young is an enhancement and development of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and particularly integrates emotions, but also developmental aspects centrally in their diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. In addition, ST is based on a model of schemas, modes and the basic needs and "their fate" during the life course. Therefore, ST - in terms of technical and strategic variant of CBT – seems to be also and especially in the field of child and adolescent therapy particularly suited to generate action-guiding, diagnostic and therapeutic concepts.

The St-CA concept was developed by a German working group around Christof Loose, Peter Graaf und Gerhard Zarbock.

The workshop illuminates the formation and perpetuating model of maladaptive schemas. Related to the children’s age few examples of the 18 schemas described by Young are outlined with their typical child and adolescent appearance and coping strategies. Other topics include the multimodal diagnostic techniques (use of exploration, case conceptualization) and explain the significance of the therapeutic relationship, psychoeducation and empathic confrontation.

As an overview therapeutic strategies are demonstrated: Working with drawings and pictures, working with finger and hand puppets, metaphors, chair work, mode-based play therapy, imagery, and the use of audio flash cards.

An additional part of the workshop is the work with parents, called “Schema-Coaching for Parents”, which is also outlined in an overview.

Beside the introductory in schema theory the workshop offers practical demonstrations by picture and video material, and small exercises allow the participants transferring the content into their own practice.

This is the first workshop in ST-CA in Iran, organized by Dr. Amir Askari, Center for Advanced Studies in Mental Health, Tehran, Iran.

Website: www.casmh.org.  

​About the Presenters: 

Bio: Christof Loose, PhD., works at the Institute of Experimental Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, and in his own Private Practice in Dusseldorf, Germany. He is certified in ST-CA, the chair of the Working Group ST-CA (ISST e.V.), editor and author of ST-CA books and Video-Learning (DVD) in Germany. He conducts workshops and seminars in ST-CA worldwide.

Website: www.schematherapy-for-children.de ; Email: contact@schematherapy-for-children.de

1-day-WS in Iran:

Schema Therapy for Children & Adolescents


Tehran, Iran

20th of October 2017

Presented by 

Christof Loose, PhD

Please contact Dr. Amir Askari for details by emailing: dramiraskari@casmh.org

LANGUAGE: English with Farsi translation