2 June 2019

32nd ECNP Congress 2019

25 May 2019

14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

15 May 2019

Mental Health Conference 2019 — Annual Conference on Mental Health


Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below. Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines may be returned without review.

Article formats such as original research, brief reports, meta-analyses, theoretical reviews, and case studies will be considered for publication. We prefer manuscripts that are using guidelines from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th or latest edition), and saved in Microsoft Word. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) will be used to evaluate and edit manuscripts. Authors should carefully prepare and proofread their manuscripts. Insure agreement of citations and references. Avoid technical terminology, jargon, and acronyms. Demonstrate multicultural sensitivity and competency through thoughtful applications and examples. Authors should reduce bias in language against persons based on gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, disability, and age. Headings and subheadings should be used to organize the paper. All titles should be as brief and meaningful as possible. Limit use of footnotes and appendices. Since the journal uses an anonymous reviewing system, please omit all citations, references, footnotes, and other information pertaining to the authors’ identities or affiliations.


All manuscripts are the original work of the authors, have not been published, and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. In the event of publication, authors retains copyright ownership. Authors bear full responsibility for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, and figures.

English language editing services

The official language of journal is English. It is strongly recommended that authors not fluent in English have their manuscript edited for English usage prior to submission. Authors seeking assistance with English language editing, translation, or figure and manuscript formatting to fit the journal’s specifications should consider using the services offered by English Language Services (ELS). For further information, please contact els@casmh.org

​Review Process
Each article undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review process, in which the reviewer and author’s names and information are withheld from the other. All manuscripts will be sent for review to two external reviewers. Reviewers’ comments are sent to authors. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process. Generally, authors can expect within 1 months a decision regarding publication. Prior to publication, authors will receive a copy of the edited article for final approval.

​Submission of Manuscripts
Authors submit online their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to journal@casmh.org .The e-mail will function as the cover letter.​ All new and revised manuscripts must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word Format (.doc) via E-mail. Portable Document Format (.pdf) is not an acceptable submission format. Keep a copy of the manuscript to guard against loss.

Cover Letter
Prepare a cover letter in the e-mail to accompany the manuscript. Include all authors’ names and affiliations to avoid potential conflicts of interest. Clarify funding and special circumstances in an author note. Provide accurate addresses and phone numbers, as well as e-mail addresses and fax numbers, to facilitate the review process.

Manuscript Acceptance
Upon acceptance of their manuscript for publication, authors are expected to provide permissions, signed and dated copyright release and disclosure of interest forms, and a statement of compliance with CASMH ethical standards.

​Further Information
Any correspondance, queries or additional requests for information on the Manuscript Submission process should be emailed to the IJASMH editorial office.

​​International Journal of Advanced Studies In Mental Health

Editor: Amir Askari, PhD

​Publisher: Center For Advanced Studies In Mental Health

​"Gold" Open Access 
Double ​Blind External Peer-reviewed

Frequency:  Continuous-publication format